Monday, August 23, 2010

Does laser treatment for acne really help? what are the effects? is it worth it? What is your advice to me? :)?

I am a 21 year old who has been suffering with acne for a long time. I tried everything possible from seeing a dermatologist, trying things over the counter and a lot of research online. Ive come to a conclusion that I would maybe want to do a laser treatment for acne. Is there anyone who has been through the same problem as I have and did the laser treatment. If so what is your advice to me? How does it work? Did it really help? Is it worth it?Does laser treatment for acne really help? what are the effects? is it worth it? What is your advice to me? :)?
I don't know if this helps, but my did the same thing. She still gets the occasional pimple or two every so often, but it was a lot better then it used to be.

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