Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My boyfriend has me/cfs, does anyone have any tips/advice that would help him out? I'm desperate to help : (?

He has had post viral fatigue (from glandular fever) for around 14 years, and has since been told he has me/cfs, and I'm really desperate to try and help him, so any advice/tips would be really good! Just things to help relieve his symptoms (always tired/ill/irratible/feeling rough) etc.

Thanks in advance!My boyfriend has me/cfs, does anyone have any tips/advice that would help him out? I'm desperate to help : (?
I just googled: me/cfs?

There's so much info there, I think you should see for yourself. I wish you the very best of luck. boyfriend has me/cfs, does anyone have any tips/advice that would help him out? I'm desperate to help : (?
He has to really concentrate on just looking after himself. Avoid stress and over exertion. Make sure that he gets lots of sleep, eats a very good diet and enjoys the sunshine. You didn't mention his age, or whether he is working. He must cut back when he gets a new symptom. It is a very long road. If you look up ';Eddie Bauer'; he has a group at yahoo and we have private chats, you may want to join us. I don't know what tests he has had done, how is his heart? When he gets an echo gram make sure that he has the oxygenated solution injected. Has he had micoplasma testing? What are his cortisol levels? His blood pressure? All these have to be taken into consideration and treated. God Bless

No sugar! This makes the immune system work harder.

No alcohol.

He should pace himself and not push himself when tired.

Lots of raw vegetables.

B vitamins.

I also have CFS and find that this helps. oh and regular Lymphatic drainage massage

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