Saturday, August 21, 2010

Need please?

I came home to find that both of my dogs are thowing up. one of them had pinkish throwup so I looke around to see what they may have eaten. I saw a half eaten Halls strawberry caughdrop on the floor. I believe both of my dogs may have been eating it and now they both throw up every so often. Should I take them to the vet or let their stomachs get it all out their system?Need please?
I would watch them today. If they are eating and drinking then they should be fine. If they continue to throw up call your vet for the number to the Dog Poison control center. I used them last year in my area. They are awesome and saved me alot of bucks by not having to take my dog to the vet. (He ate a whole bottle of thyroid pills. Poison control told me this is not absorbed by a dog's system.) What a relief! My doggie was fine! Good luck.Need please?
I would suggest the vet are you sue they only had one half eaten cough drop or is that the only one you found. There is usually some cough suppressant in the halls so you need to have them checked out or at least call the vet and see what they say for you to do.
you can call the vet but i can guarantee they will be fine from personal experience! my grandpa's dog did the same thing with a whole bag of regular halls cough drops!
At least call the Vet or animal poison control center right away. Be sure to have the product information with you.
If they are barfing for more than 6 hours, get them to a vet, as they will dehydrate.
OMG...take them to the vet they may git poisoned....

Take them and see whats wrong with them

okay ^.^
the norm is to 1st call the vets and have them aware of what you THINK they may have gotten into (they may have eaten something else as well). depending on the size of your dog-the norm is to with hold any food or drink for a full 24 hour period. for example: the last time they threw up was say 4:00 am. you with hold breakfast and supper and all water. if they havent thrown any more up-then little by little introduce water in say ice cube form. if they are still okay then go for SOME DRY food or boiled hamburger and rice. (yes i said boiled, well drained).

BUT call your vets and give them a heads up anyway. if you have a teeny dog then dehydration will set in a lot qwiker than it would for say an adult lab. and if they are puppies-the same goes. if its $ that you are worried about-MOST vets will not have you bring them in just because. if its nothing serious, they will tell you some instructions and go from there b/c if you come in you will be taking a spot from a more serious sickness or injury...know what i mean. but they do need to know so they can mark it in your pets records.

they suggest withholding food and water so the animal can have a chance to pass however it can what is in their system. it gives the belly a chance to rest and try to get back to normal as much as possible before having to digest anything. if they start to throw up yellow transparent liquid-thats actually a good means they are hungry and what ever it was in their stomache has passed but still introduce foods slowly (and liquids). you dont want to over load their bellies to qwik.

good luck and i hope this helps. i hope your pets are okay too!

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