Thursday, July 29, 2010

My 3 year old is driving me crazy? Any help? Advice?

Wow my daughter will be 3 on Saturday and she is testing us in every way possible. She has a 9 month old sister who she is completely mean to, she doesn't listen to anyone now(she used to listen to other people other than my husband and I), she is just so independent. I'm tired of getting crazy looks in public and well I'm taking zoloft to get through these rough times...whew. Any advice on how to help her progress to a new level- cooperation, listening, respect, etc.My 3 year old is driving me crazy? Any help? Advice?
The antidepressants may help to a degree sweetie. My hubby is on Zoloft too and that can be tough by itself without adding a difficult child into the mixture! Our eldest (5yr old) is special needs so she has been a bit of a handful for us both too. With your daughter, it will be just the fact that she is going through a new phase in her little life. Yes she is learning independence. Does she go to daycare at all? This may help her direct her independence in the right direction. My 3 yr old is also very independent to the point that she will dress herself, get her own breakfast and even tell her older sister off and tell her to mind her own business! (that's a funny one to watch) but seriously she went through it too where she would start to antagonize her sisters (one older, one younger). We did introduce her to a naughty chair when she started to play up. Because she knew that you end up on it from being naughty is learned very quickly from watching her older sister that sitting there staring at nothing is very boring. Be strong sweetie. start up a naughty chair or naughty step or some sort of time out spot and use what's called, ';1,2,3...Magic';. Endorsed by a well known author, Sue Dengate, it really does work. If she does something and you ask her not too and she continues, make a point of really saying, ';THAT'S 1!!'; Hold up 1 finger and really look at her hard. If she continues to do what she has been asked not to, say even firmer and maybe even louder, ';THAT'S 2!!!'; Hold up the 2 fingers and still stare at her firmly. If she continues again, ';THAT'S 3!!! Right, TAKE 5 NOW!!'; Send or march her if she refuses to move straight to the naughty chair. Make her sit, be firm and do not talk to her any more than is necessary to get the message across that she is to stay and sit for 3 mins for a 3 year old (5mins for a 5 year old etc.) She may kick scream and otherwise get very upset on that spot. She will not like it I can tell you that right now! Keep calm though sweetie as it will be a test for you too because she will be seeing if you will follow through with your threats because to her at the moment, they are empty threats to her. Once she settles down, go straight to her and get down to her level and ask her if she knows why she was sent to the chair. If she knows and answers correctly, praise her for understanding and reinforce to her that you don't like that behaviour. Ask her to say sorry for the misbehaviour and that if she is naughty again, she will have to come back to the naughty chair for however long it takes for her to do as she is told, when she is told. If she doesn't understand why she is on the chair, tell her in simple terms keeping it short and simple. As hard as it is for you sweetie, stick to your guns and don't defer from this. Consistence and persistence is the key. Praise her for any good behaviour you see but ignore bad behaviour unless of course someones safety including her own is at risk. It will work sweetie but keep your chin up and stay strong. Good luck and all the very best of wishes.My 3 year old is driving me crazy? Any help? Advice?
People who say terrible twos are bad obviously never had a three year old:)

Right now she is testing her limits. I suggest immediate and consistent consequences for misbehavior. Make sure she knows what is acceptable and what is NOT! You also need to make sure that when she does do what she is supposed to do that you praise her, extensively! Praise is often more important then punishment.

Make sure she is getting some ';you'; time, where it's just you and her. Even if you have to take the baby to grandma's for a few hours. Also, when the baby is crying and your oldest wants something, sometimes you have to give in to your 3 year old first so that she feels equal to the baby. Obviously, I don't mean when the baby is truly upset or hurt, but on a normal cry you can give to the 3 year old first.
Make a colorful behavior chart and get stickers and reward her for positive things so she can feel a sense of self accomplishment and respect from you. For example have her throw a diaper away or get you one and say ';you did a great job im going to give you a sticker';

'; I am so proud of you'; or have her put away some of the babys laundry and say'; you were such a big help Im going to give you a sticker'; Stickers always worked with my daughter and with you having the new baby around this will let her know you appreciate her and she wont feel so left out.
One of my sons will be 3 next month and he's like a different kid lately. He went from sweet and well behaved to a defiant little monkey. I think it's best not to let them know they're driving you crazy like he is us. It can be a challenge but I think what they want is the attention and that's how they're getting it. Our son is the 2nd youngest of 4 boys so I know how you feel!!! Good luck.
give lots of attention to the behavior you like...';wow!! what a good big sister you are, picking up her binky like that';

divide and conquer worked for our family- boys 22 months apart. we still do ';mommy time'; or ';daddy time'; with them individually and they are 11 %26amp; 9 now.

sometimes it helps when you give them tiny chores or responsibilities- it has a good effect on their self-esteem and makes them feel needed.

it gets easier. i promise.
Well, my guess is that Alaynah's Mommy #2 Due 10/10 needs a reality check!!

I know how you feel.... We follow through on punishments. Does no good. We are consistent. Does no good.

Now, the reason she's mean to her sister is not because you are not doing a good job including the 3 year old.

Yes, you are the parent and children do learn by example, so all we can do as parents is love, love, love.

Hope this helped. Don't let all the negative responses get you down. These people don't live in your house or walk in your shoes..... God Bless! :)
OMG i think my daughter is your daughters long lost she's be 3 in a few weeks she does the same thing...i think they undeerplay the terrible 2s what they fail to mention is that the terrible twos are just the begining.... hold on tight its a bumpy ride...i try to take a time out before i deal with her most of the time ... and ilook to friends and the way they handle their 3 /4yrolds to get some ideas
take away toys or dont give her dessert or sweets until she starts behaving.




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