Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hey, I need some advice/help for...(10 pts.)?

next year, and I need some bonding activities. I'm the colonel for my colorguard team, an this past past year had cliques, and I want to change that. So...

Any ideas? 10 pts. for the best answer!Hey, I need some advice/help for...(10 pts.)?
Divide the cliques, and do teamwork activities, where EVERYONE needs to work together and have fun, like the Spiderweb activity where you make a spiderweb out of ropes and everyone has to make it to the otherside without touching the ropes, and without reusing any openings. Also pair unlikley people up to do activies together with only three or four people who don't hang out. or place people who aren't in the same clique and have them draw a picture to represent the person to thier left, it involves creativity and getting to know each other. And canoing, pairing up an unlikely couple. Maybe go on some kind of trip, a Survivor-like trip where you do crazy, exhilarating things. Hope this helped, it's a lot of what we did on out yearbook/AV trip and it really worked!

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