Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Regretting a Mistake. Need advice. Help?

Recently, I had a job offer that was more money (25% + more)and promotion. Because of greed of getting more money than the original offer, I held back. Because of my mistake, the deal fell through and the employer hired someone else. This has been really bothering me. It has been nearly three months now and I can't get past this. I cannot even focus on my current job and my family. I don't know what to do. I feel like I missed out and it's bothering me beyond words. I have never felt like this before. Call it crazy, but I sometimes even get to tears. Help! How can I overcome this? How would you rank this in terms of a regretful life event? Thank you for your help.Regretting a Mistake. Need advice. Help?
Well you could look at it this way..... you were never meant to have this job. Some time in the future you will find out this was all a blessing in disguise and I promise that day will come. In the mean time try to find something to aspire to at your current job - a promotion maybe? and maybe get involved in some outside interests to take your mind off it - do some volunteer work or join a club, take a course or spend some quality time with your family.Regretting a Mistake. Need advice. Help?
It's just one opportunity gone - not a lifetime. You need to realize you held out for a reason - if you didn't think you were worth it - you wouldn't have done it.

There will be another opportunity - as long as you remain focused, that is. There's always another .. you just have to be able to see it. You can't do that if you're bogged down in regret.

Let it go. It happened the way it did, it's done, it can't be undone. Move on. I would not rank this as a regretful event. You won't either this time next year if you let it go!
past is past.

no need to shed tears.

all life is in your hand, more oppertunities will come to your way that is for sure.

try to catch those that would come to your way.

no need to worry, be happy and keep smiling.

';Happiness is like butterfly';

you run after it,

it keeps flying away.

but if you 'stand still' .

it comes and 'sits on you'.

wishing you lot of butterflies.


ahsan saleem
Things usually happen for a reason. Perhaps the job wasn't quite right for you, and that influenced you into holding back. Perhaps there is another job out there with the better pay. Perhaps this is to be the catalyst to make you jump at the next offer. Perhaps that company will have a better job open up down the road. Whatever the reason, there is little point in regretting it now. Look ahead. If you are dissatisfied with your current position, look elsewhere. If you need to do something to improve the job you have, make some creative suggestions. If you have a dream job out there, but you are lacking in a skill, take a class or brush up on your skills in some way. Prepare. Make your future happen. Sitting around moaning about what could have been will only bring you pain. As far as ranking this as a regretful life event, it's not even close. There's always another job around the corner, another opportunity, another chance.
Opportunity always knocks more than once. There will be upcoming chances for you to make your move. Listen for that knock. All kinds of things could happen like maybe that person won't like that new job and will leave, or another job you'd like better will come along, or maybe some HR person from another company (a competitor) will call you and try to get you away from your current employer and offer you even more or more and better benefits.
If that is the worst mistake you have ever made, you have got it made in life. It took me about 10 jobs to find one I actually like, and I am a degreed professional.
It's a pretty traumatic event..But you held back.

The best way to try and get over it would be to appreciate the problems it could have caused; for example, what if your job would have required you to move eventually? How would your family have felt being abruptly uprooted from where they are?

Also, though it's probably of little help, the old statement holds true: money really isn't everything. As long as you are still able to survive, you have more than many people do.

And one final article of consolation is that you may still get a chance for an even better upgrade in the future. If anything, that is one ';light at the end of the tunnel'; to hope for.
Learning in life is trial and error. We all have regrets. The value in making mistakes is that we can learn from them. Otherwise, we'd still be banging our heads on the wall like we did when we were two years old. Sometimes, the most valuable lesson to learn is how to deal with disappointment.

Relax. Chances are very good that if one opportunity came your way more will follow. They saw something in you that they were going to take a chance on. Others will too.

You're one of very few people on this site that can actually spell, capitalize and use punctuation - so that's something.
i don't know if your male or female,I'd reckon male,cos of the ';close to tears';thing. Bullshit boys do cry!especially if it has a deep down gut wrenching feeling of a bad memory, we're born with this,call it an affliction?flaw?whatever, its human nature,but it's a good' thing' to have a conscience,otherwise we'd be killing each other for avarice ,or just a loaf of bread!sorry I'm gone of on a tangent here.Of course your feeling like shite,but do'nt dwell on it man another oppertunity will pop up,either in the company your in or another similar job,and you wont make the same 'mistake' again,I'm sure of it. it's feckin karma! peace out!murph in eire.
you cannot live with that regret feeling dude.. you must believe that everything happens for a reason.. maybe there's a better opportunity coming in you way.. you just have to let the bad feeing go away.. if you want to have a bright future, you have to forget the dark past.. nobody is perfect.. everyone make mistakes.. what's important, you learn something about it, not regret it.. i strongly think that this experience will make you more thoughtful and think using not only your brain but also your heart.. wishing you all the best in whatever you do ya..
Learn from your mistakes in life.........

Sh** happens......whether we have any control or not.

You never know, you might get a chance again at this or a similar job position.

Hind sight is always 20/20, use it in a positive way to move on.

I took a job about 20 yrs ago, was LIED to by the HR person, worked for that company for almost 12 yrs. The lies were discovered by me on the very 1st day....but I made the best of it...and a living....and finally moved on 7 yrs ago.

I had a bitterness from the lies the whole time I was employed by that company. I had never been so slickly deceived by any company before to lure me to a job.

I felt like you did upon the loss of that potential job....except the employer's HR person did it to me.
It's unfortunate, but at least you realized it was greed, which is a powerful emotion. Feeling regret sucks. But, I think admitting that you did something dumb, and paid the price, is a good lesson. That alone, the fact you learned something from this, should be enough to move on and feel good that you're smarter now than you were a few months ago.
Yeah, that's a pretty dumb move. I don't think there's much you can do but just accept the fact that you lost that offer, at this point.
well there no point in crying over it. i mean it's in the past now you can't turn back time. all you can do is more forwards not back. so just focus on your current job now and who knows maybe you'll get promoted or something will come up? good luck!
we all have lessons to learn in life....did you learn something from this? now all you can do is move forward %26amp; not make the mistake again.

Its just like watching deal or no deal...Ive seen plenty of people who get greedy %26amp; take chances %26amp; loose it all! At least you didnt get offered $200,000. and go home with $10.
people often make mistakes, i know i did...but you'll have to look for other opportunities..they'll come again
you know what it's already done you lost the chance and now you regret it but like golfing forget the last bad hole you did and worrie about the next one, so being depressed about it will not do nothing for you this is a lesson for you but it will make you smarter the next time you can't keep looking back you have to think that something better will come along and look forward and know that you have the will to do the right thing in the future because you are good we all have regrets.

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