Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What advice would you give President Obama to help fix our economy.?

EASY !! To REMOVE These Repulsive Foreign Private Bankers From CONTROL of U.S. Economy !! %26gt; %26gt; advice would you give President Obama to help fix our economy.?
Resign.What advice would you give President Obama to help fix our economy.?
Take advice from Ron Paul.
Listen to economists. Your fiscal stimulus IS NOT BIG ENOUGH. The banks are sicker than they're letting on and will require much firmer intervention, in many cases full nationalization. Half measures will fail.
get rid of Nazi Pelosi, Chris Dodd, and Barney the Frank for starters
The biggest problem right now is that there are more people out of work than jobs available. And, from what I can see, in the higher unemployment areas, we have some outstanding workers looking for work, not just welfare recipients.

So, if Obama wants to help fix our economy, the best thing he can do is to find ways to support new business growth, for business owners willing to hire workers. And, offer tax credits and grants to new business owners.
Stop spending our money on wasteful government programs and give it back to us. Tax cuts for people that actually pay taxes. If you get a tax cut but don't pay, that is called welfare.

He needs to do as little as possible because frankly, I don't think he knows what the hell he is doing.
hes not going to listen anyways so why does it matter? i would reccommend him to not raise tax money and take the extra cash and spend it on foriegn country abortion organizations
Listen to Ron Paul
First priority: Monetary reform.
Take us back to a more free market, stop spending so much $ on/in government programs, cut programs that are outdated or dont pull their weight anymore and change tax system.

also listening to Ron Paul is a good idea, he may seem crazy but many of his ideas are backed up by economists across the board.
Impeach yourself. And take Nancy with you.
Should not discriminate against white workers.
Don't listen to THESE kinda people!!! Good Luck Prez!!
If I was sitting in my living room and talking with President Obama about the problems associated with our economy, I would also invite U.S. Congressman and former Presidential candidate Ron Paul to join in on our conversation at my house. There, I would advise President Obama to appoint Ron Paul as his economic advisor.

Ron Paul will take steps to improve the efficiency of monetary policy. He has good ideas on how to rebuild our economy. His philosophies are to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard. Until the Federal Reserve is gone, he will take steps to regulate it and its actions since it is a privately help corporation and not a federal government entity. Ron Paul has educated the public about the Federal Reserve. Many people are unaware of how it works and that it has had a negative impact on our monetary values. However, Ron Paul is a scholar in Austrian economics and has written 6 books on the subject. He is very aware of how the Federal Reserve operates. Ron Paul has the skills and the knowledge if President Obama would just give him the power to pull us out of this recession and direct us onto the right path to a more stable economy.

Returning to the gold standard is not a bad idea. Since the Federal Reserve continues printing extra U.S. dollars and charging interest on it, returning to the gold standard will help regulate monetary values and abolish the Federal Reserve. The Gold Standard Act of the United States was passed in 1900 (ratified on March 14) and established gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money. In the early 1970鈥檚, President Nixon ended the gold standard so that the US dollar could no longer a fixed currency. Returning to the gold standard will create a more stable currency because the gold standard will put limits on the government's ability to spend and borrow and the Federal Reserve will not be able to replicate and tax it like they can American dollars.

I would also advise the president to put an end to the war which will relive our economy since it is costing U.S. tax payers $341.4 million dollars per day and rising.

While sipping tea with President Obama and Congressman Ron Paul in my living room, I would advise the president to make college more affordable for higher learning. After all, it is the educated and degreed individuals who acquire job stability. With out a college education, many people lack the tools needed for a good foundation. Our recession has hit our economy bad. People have lost their jobs and homes. Many people are out of work and are competing for jobs against people with qualifications. Without a strong educational foundation, a recession can leave the uneducated and unqualified out of work, filing for unemployment. The number of people collecting state unemployment benefits hit a 25-year high of 3.84 million dollars which is funded by angry tax payers.

The uneducated and unemployed are not only draining the economy but will repress generations ensuring poverty. Making college and higher learning more affordable and obtainable to students will ensure completion of their education. Everyone, including low income and disabled students who have a disadvantage, physical or mental impairment should have a chance to achieve their educational goals. This requires funding to ensure success. I would encourage the president to offer funding for the disadvantaged but to cut off inefficient funding programs that are no longer working and out dated and to lower the cost of higher education.

In summary, although improving the efficiency of monetary policy by fixing our economy is not a quick and easy task, it can and will be done with the help of specialists who knows how to bail us out of an economic crisis. In order to fix our economy, my advice to the president is to first appoint Ron Paul as his economic advisor as he will help bail us out of this economic crisis. Second, put an end to all war which will stabilize the tax system to work more resourcefully. Third, return to the gold standard which will help regulate monetary values and abolish the Federal Reserve creating a stable currency. And finally, lower costs of higher learning and allow funding for the underprivileged and disadvantaged to encourage success in their higher learning. Then, cut inefficient funding programs. Regulating funding programs will help to stabilize our economy. Lowering cost of education will encourage students to complete their education thus accomplish their goals to achieve self sufficiency, job security, opportunity, and higher pay.
step down

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