Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Period Question I need some advice please help

Okay so this morning I got my period for the month. (im irregular) so im going away on tuesday to new jersey. my aunt has a pool and we go swimming. we wont go swimming until wednesday but still. normally my periods last about 6-8 days. my last one was 6 days. do you think my period will be light by wednesday. i reallly dont want to ask or use tampons. i dont want it to ruin my vacation either. is there anyway to make it lighter or shorter for vacation besides the pill. im only 13. PLEASE ANSWER I need help

Period Question I need some advice please help
as long as ur in water I think ur period will be fine like for sum reason when ur in the shower or whatever it stops so i think you will be fine Period Question I need some advice please help
I would bring tampons, it will be ok. Just follow the instructions on the box and get something like Playtex Easy Glide or Tampax Pearl. They work great and are really good for beginners. Don't be afraid to ask your Mom or someone you trust to get you some, they have been there too.
Im going to hilton head on the 15th and my period starts the 14th and im going to be fine just like you... put a tampon in take some midol and your good!
Omg samee here!

Im going on the 19th %26amp; it starts on the 16th :(

Im sorry i dunno what to do either but if i find out i will write bk ;D

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