I have tight feeling in my left side of my chest, my shoulder hurts with pain running down my arm. It is a sharp pain and can only lift it about half way. I cannot go to the doctor cause they aren't interested.Help need advice with a pain in my chest.?
A heart attack is described as a feeling like a belt is around your chest and being tightened. It is usally accompanied by sweating and pain down the left arm or up into the neck. If you think this is a heart attack then go to A and E or call the ambulance service. I question why your doctor would not be interested - are you a hypochondriac? The most likely cause is a pulled muscle or a spasm. My husband gets dibilitiating spams in his chest and back everyday but has to carry on with work, kids etc. If you are worried get it checked out by a medical proffessional - if you want sympathy you have come to the wrong person.Help need advice with a pain in my chest.?
Ok, what do you want from answers?
Don't mess about, call 911 or 999 or whatever it is in your country...
go to gp %26amp; insist they check it out
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